
AGP2020 engines’ add-ons modules enable existing and future engines to lower their fine particles and Carbon Emissions to an historical low for fossil fuel engines while increasing substantially their performance through Hydrogen enhanced combustion.

Our mission is to implement our technology at global scale to optimize its positive  impact on air quality and on fight over climate change.


Contribute substantially to the Paris agreement, European Green Deal and UN Development goals on GHG Emissions and fine particles Emissions.

Collaborate with major industrial partners, local governments, and clean air monitoring institutes to develop large scale implementation programs in partnership.

Validate technical feasibility of industry specific development programs with key engineering institutes and EU homologation Laboratories.

Develop city scale programs including inhabitants investment (City Green Bonds)  to support their environmental transition and AGP2020 technology integration on vehicles and households.

#Hydrogen New technology #patent #GreenDeal #GreenTransition #ClimateChange #UNDevelopmentGoals

The Sustainable United Nations Development Goals